FAFSA just released the new Simplification Act, which will change the process and system used to award student aid for the 2024-25 award year. This will affect ...
Majors and Careers
https://corescholars.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/core_video_interview_a2-720p.mp4 August is here and 2023’s fall semester is right around the corner. So, th ...
3 Things to Do to Help with Food Insecurity
College is extremely expensive for students. Sadly, not every student has the ability to attend without making major sacrifices. This causes many students to lo ...
Emory University Admissions 2023
HUGE UPDATE! Emory University is introducing The Emory Leadership, Enrichment, Advocacy, and Discovery (LEADs) Experience. The program will begin this Fall and ...
Cheap College Ingredients
Of course, college can be extremely expensive, but food doesn’t have to be the same. It is important to have the ability to make cheap and easy meals to prevent ...
Provost’s Summer Mentorship Program (SMP) at University of Pennsylvania
The SMP mission is to inspire first-generation, under-represented minority students in Philadelphia to view higher education as an achievable and worthwhile goa ...
Student Spotlight: S. Khan
“Never give up, your victory is right around the corner”. This meaningful quote had a big impact on my life when I first started as a freshman in college.  ...
Student Spotlight: S. Jiang
A college education entails more than simply attending classes. To create the best college experience, it requires you to engage in opportunities that can make ...
Returning to College
SEPTEMBER IS FINANCIAL LITERACY MONTHFinancial Aid: What You Need to Knowhttps://studentaid.gov/apply-for-aid/fafsa/filling-outhttps://studentaid.gov/h/apply-fo ...
Mental Health Tips
What is your new year resolution?New year resolutions are about starting fresh, changing habits, trying new things, make new dreams, while working toward the sa ...