CORE offered PROMISE scholarships to high school seniors from household at or below 200% of the poverty guideline to help pay first-year college expenses (including living expenses and books).
To have been eligible to apply, students had to of been:
A 2016 graduate of a School District of Philadelphia public, charter, archdiocese, or private high school.
A resident of the City of Philadelphia. [An applicant attending a parochial or private school had tot provide one item of proof of residency in Philadelphia along with one parent or legal guardian.]
Planning to pursue an Associate’s or Bachelor’s degree at a participating college or university.
**Complete and fully submit Rise application**
There was no GPA requirement, no required letters of recommendation, and no mandatory extracurricular activities.
**If students were also eligible for the RISE scholarship, they were automatically required to apply for RISE. If accepted, the Promise Scholarship was used to kick-start their IDA account.**
The 2016 Promise Scholarship was $250.
For the 2015-2016 application cycle, CORE accepted scholarship applications from May 11th until July 22nd for students planning to matriculate to college in the fall of 2016.