A college education entails more than simply attending classes. To create the best college experience, it requires you to engage in opportunities that can make a difference and enrich your campus life. Failing to do so can possibly destroy the quality of your college experience. Instead of standing on the sidelines as a passive observer, get involved in on-campus events, clubs, and activities that interest you. Don’t let college become your second high school. I learned this the hard way.
Hi, my name is Steven Jiang, and I am a student at Penn State Abington majoring in mechanical engineering and a participant in Penn State’s 2022 Engineering Ahead Summer Program. College, in my experience, entails more than just attending classes; it also entails participating in extracurricular activities. When I was a dual enrollment student at Community College of Philadelphia (CCP), I simply showed up to class and missed out on all the events and chances to make a difference. A couple of my classmates engaged in activities on campus, made their connections and became summer teacher assistants at CCP. Getting involved on campus can only lead to more opportunities. As a result, I suggest you get involved and start getting involved now!